I am a lover of anything dots...especially Amy Butler's tangerine full moon ones:) This is the back of the quilt I started back in May with the Old Red Barn Co. Quilt-Along. I know, I know, it's now October but it is done now and I love it!
I still have to decide on the binding...and I would love your input. If you tend to be indecisive like me at times, Cheryl at
Naptime Quilter has put together a group of people who are willing to give each other honest feedback about their quilting/sewing/artistic dilemmas!! She's called it Workshop in Progress...check out the button to the left of this post. It's the perfect group for me right now!!
The safe choice would be to continue with the dots and use them as the binding. I do like this because the dots make a great binding in general, but the backing would have no contrast with the back (which is always kind of nice)...it would simply blend in.
Another option which came to me tonight would be to see if I could pull together various prints in the top and do a pieced binding which might be nice too.
My last choice is to use Amy Butler's
ripple stripe which pulls together the oranges, pinks and some greens for a more bold binding. I honestly am not sure...I am leaning toward the orange dots...any thoughts? Would love to hear from you!