Saturday, April 23, 2011

5 months

I know I've been MIA for just sneaks up on you sometimes and then there aren't enough hours in the day:) So, what's been up in my world you ask? Well my little one is now 5 months. Yesterday I made all kinds of strange faces and funny noises so that she would lay patiently (haha) while I took a load of pictures of her.
Here's just a few.

Mainly I've been knitting and crocheting these days...more on that later.

In terms of sewing, I'm making a netbook (laptop) sleeve today. I'll take some pics later! Hope you're having a Happy Easter weekend!


  1. You have yourself one seriously cute baby!

  2. What a cutie! I love the second pic with her big eyes and precious cheeks!

    What font do you use for your monthly signs? My daughter's one month birthday is coming up on Wednesday and I'd love to start this tradition with her!
