July is my month for the PTQB2! I'm addicted to the Drunk Love quilt by Denyse Schmidt but I thought this time I would make a "male" version and use greys, blues and greens. My stepson, Christian asked me if I would make a quilt for him for his birthday so I knew exactly which one I wanted to make!! I made him pour over the Kona Cotton Colour Card (just what every male wants to do:) and help me select his colour scheme. I think the colours are really going to pop judging by the first block I made today. I have a great group of women in my bee so I know it's going to be fantastic!
What are everyone's thoughts on using flannel as a backing versus cotton? I love the look of cotton better but to tell you the truth I find quilts don't always give me the "cozy" factor unless you're under them for a long time! Flannel tends to warm you up right away....hmmmm. Dilemma, dilemma.....I'd love to hear your thoughts!