Sunday, July 11, 2010
Another Drunk Love Quilt!
July is my month for the PTQB2! I'm addicted to the Drunk Love quilt by Denyse Schmidt but I thought this time I would make a "male" version and use greys, blues and greens. My stepson, Christian asked me if I would make a quilt for him for his birthday so I knew exactly which one I wanted to make!! I made him pour over the Kona Cotton Colour Card (just what every male wants to do:) and help me select his colour scheme. I think the colours are really going to pop judging by the first block I made today. I have a great group of women in my bee so I know it's going to be fantastic!
What are everyone's thoughts on using flannel as a backing versus cotton? I love the look of cotton better but to tell you the truth I find quilts don't always give me the "cozy" factor unless you're under them for a long time! Flannel tends to warm you up right away....hmmmm. Dilemma, dilemma.....I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Happy Canada Day (July 1st) & 4th of July!
Canada Day was great as Big Brother arrived just in time for the fun! He was a great helper/entertainer to Dad while Little Miss G's boat in our friend's swimming pool. Look at that smile:)
I spent some time on Katie's blocks for the PTQB2. Katie sent some vintage fabric along with some contemporary and solids. She asked us to make up blocks from Oh Fransson's Mod Quilt Tutorial. She's hoping to make a beach/picnic blanket which I think will be perfect!
Hope everyone is enjoying a great weekend...Happy Canada Day and 4th of July for my American friends:)